Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you want to post your poetry to this blog please add us as a follower on the right hand side. Send an email request to INTENSE at

This blog is for you and by you; the youth of Sacramento...916 STAND UP!

At Sacramento Area Youth Speaks , the voices of youth matter. Committed to a critical, youth-centered pedagogy, Sacramento Area Youth Speaks places students in control over their intellectual and artistic development. SAYS is driven by the belief that literacy is a need, not a want, and that literacy comes in various forms. SAYS believes that having knowledge, practice, and confidence in the written and spoken language is essential to the self-empowerment of an individual, and that by paying attention to the cultivation and amplification of their voices, youth can forge new paths to success. SAYS fills an essential need for creative approaches to literary arts education and literacy in general; understanding that it is crucial to provide spaces where youth can undergo a process of personal growth and empowerment. SAYS programs enrich the educational, professional, and leadership skills of teenagers across the country

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